Things That Make You Go Hmmm???

Intresting and funny news from around the world.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another reason I don't like doggy doors!!!

Palmetto, Fla. (AP)
Woman finds alligator in her bathroom. (Bet that caused a mess.) Apparently, the alligator came into the house through the doggy door. (Wonder where the dog is? Funny, now coyotes don't seem all that bad.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)


  • At April 27, 2011 at 10:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why is it you never hear about a coyote coming in through a doggie door? Are they above being balled dogs? What if it was named a just a little dood in the back? or the flapping door, would they use it? Just wondering?


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