Did you check the address?
Denton, Tx (AP)
Crew mistakenly demolishes wrong house. (I don't think "sorry" is going to get it. But that's just me.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Notice to readers.
To the loyal readers of T.T.M.Y.G. Hmmm,
I have had a lot going personally and have not had the time to do my normal posts. However we should be back on track soon.
Protect your assets,
Bet he wasn't looking for a turtle!!!!!
Albany, Vt. (AP)
Farmer finds a stolen 116# tortoise. (Bet that got his plowing off to an intersting start. Wonder if he found it in his vegetable patch?)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Up to his neck in trouble.
Albion, Ind (AP)
Police find drug suspect hiding in a pit with liquid manure up to his neck. (Ha, ha, ha, make up your won comment.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Don't prisons have guards?????
Amsterdam, (Reuters)
Burglars break into prison to rob absent inmates. (So many questions, so little time.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
The corcodile was first!!!!
Sydney, Australia, (AP)
Crocodile forces a water areobics class to wait. (The "stalking humans" class must have run long!!!)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Which way is oops!!!
Moscow (Reuters)
Pilot tries to land plane to ask a tractor driver directions. (Didn't work out.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
The road is fine until the rain.
Eureka, Mo. (AP)
I-44 frontage road repaved with hog manure asphalt. (Hey buddy, y'all might oughtta keep your windows rolled up for a while, just sayin'.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Lawn Mower Comment
Whomever posted the comment for the lawn mower post, I accidently rejected the comment. I did not mean to. Re submit and I will post. The link was too funny and every one needs to see the fellow.
Protect Your Assets,
Rodger '-)
Mowing under the influence?
Athens, Tenn (AP)
Man arrested for fishing pole theft and operating a mower under the influence. (So many questions, so little time.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
How much does a dead cobra cost?
Berlin (Reuters)
City spends three weeks and 100,000 euros to find a dead cobra. (Dead-gum, wonder how much they would pay for a dead cat?)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Chinese anti-lip-synching law.
Beijing, China (Reuters)
Two lip-synching singers fined $7,000 each for violating anti-lip-synching law. (Well, at least China got it right.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
"Paca Poo?"
St. Charles, Ill. (AP)
School music booster club to sell Alpaca manure for a fund raiser. They call it Paca Poo. (Shoulda stuck to bake sales.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
They really do walk among us?
Singapore (Reuters)
Globally, 20% of people believe aliens are walking among us disguised as humans. (Well, that explains a lot!!!)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
A Doctors perogative?
Islamabad, Pakistan (AFP)
Doctor uses ambulance to transport a cow home from the market. (What can I say.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Wait, what? Why?
London (AFP)
Woman arrested for trying to smuggle a corpse onto a plane. (Several questions come to mind starting with why?)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Now wait just a ####!!!%%** minute!!
Khandahar Air Base, Afghanistan (Reuters)
Fast food restruants like Burger King and Dominos have be banned from U.S. bases in Aghanistan. Commanders say, "this is a war zone not an amusment park!!!" (Well there goes capitalism and the free market, not to mention, THE AMERICAN WAY.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-P
Who else you gonna call?
Lexington, Ky (AP)
Drunk man calls police to help him find his way out of a bar. (There you go, someone can "drink responsibly!")
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)