Courtsey doesn't always count.
Fayetteville, N.C. (AP)
Burglars leave homeowner note saying thanks for the loot. (Now that's a bit much!!!)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Ok, this one is strange even for here.
Bozeman, Montana (AP)
Thieves trim tail hair from 3 horses in Montana. (Is there a market for this sort of thing? "Hey buddy want to buy some hot horse hair?")
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
The second amendment at work.
Boulder, Col (AP)
Man shoots himself in knee while sleepwalking. (It's ok folks, he has a concealed handgun permit. Nothing to see here, lol!!!)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Shoulda used UPS.
La Paz, Bolivia (AP)
Police detained woman who tried to mail a mummy to France. (What's a mummy doing in La Paz? And what size box do you use?)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
They walk among us!!!!
Old Saybrook, Conn. (AP)
Burglar reports car stolen. Police find car with stolen goods inside. (Sooooo many questions, sooooo little time.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Is there a virtual prison???
Rome, Italy (AFP)
Prosecutors have launched an investigaiton of the theft of virtual items (sofa, jacuzzi, pool table) from FB's Pet Society. (Don't they have enough "real" crime in Italy? Oh well, somebody has to do it.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Good grief, we've got tighten our reproduciton controls!!!!!
Muskegon Township, Mich. (AP)
Woman takes two year old daughter with her to a burglary. (Sometimes, "Take Your Daughter to Work" day can be a little over the top!!!! Tweet outta the gene pool.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Yup, still walking among us.
Lowell, Mass. (AP)Woman goes into a bank and tries to break a $10,000.00 bill. (Tweet, outta the gene pool.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
They Walk Among Us!!!!
South Bend, Indiana (AP)
Bank robber caught after robbing the same bank for the fourth time!!!! (Tweet, outta the gene pool, report to sterilization.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Go Granny, Go Granny, Go!!!!
Gresham, Ore. (AP)
82 year old woman ticketed for traveling 110 mph in a 55 zone. (So much for older drivers driving too slow. Go get 'em granny!!!!)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Does he have to retake the test?
Bridgeville, Pa (AP)
Teen passes drivers test and then crashes car into driver license center. (Ok, let's have another look at that test!!!!!)
Protect your assets,
Rodger '-)
Inorganic stuff doesn't rot, right?
New York, (AFP)
Woman says 6 month old happy meal is as good a shape as when she bought it. (There you go, McDonald's food is indestructable and inorganic!!!!!)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Awwww man!!!
Fort Lawton Beach, Fla. (AP)
'Gator eats 8 year old boy's pet turtle. (Soooo, many questions.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Ok, anybody have an encyclopedia?
Austin, Texas (AP)
Texas' county ballots printed with the Chilean flag by mistake. (Next thing you know Arizona will be using the Japanese Imperial flag.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
I think it was a trap.
Wausau, Wis. (AP)
Drunk man rescued after chasing goose into river. (Ok, the goose didn't just fly away. Why? The river was a trap!!!)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Yup, get a good government job..
Taipei, Tiawan (AFP)
City advertises for monkey chasers. (Not monkey catchers, monkey chasers????? Talk about job security.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Under the Weather.
Hello kind and patient readers,
I have been under the weather the last couple of days which has afftect my posts. I hope to be better and back on schedule soon.
Protect your assets,
Raining Money!!!!!
Indianapolis (AP)
Three bundles of money fall from an armored car on an overpass and break open on an intersection below.. (How does money "fall" from an armored car? Were the bags strapped on top? Just wonderin'.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Makes sense to me!!!
Sao Pablo, Brazil (AFP)
Brazilians elect a real clown to parliament. The fellow's clown name is Tiriri. He's campaign slogan was "you can't do any worse." (Geez, our candidates should take the hint.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
It;s not mine and I don't know who put it there.
Bradenton, Fla. (AP)
Sheriff deputies find a bag of pot between a man't buttocks. Then they find a bag of cocaine. The man admits the weed is his but not the concaine. ("Honest officer, my buddy must of left it there." Tweet, outta the gene pool.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-)
Hey buddy, don't be pettin' the pet.
New York, (AP)
Police seized a 3 ft. pet alligator from a liquor store. (Do alligators bark? Just wonderin'.)
Protect your assets,
Rodger ;-P