Things That Make You Go Hmmm???

Intresting and funny news from around the world.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Whew, glad we cleared that up.

Paris, France (AP)
   The term "French Kiss" has finally been included in French Dictionaries. Not sure which is really the most important, the act or the term.
Protect your romance,
Rodger :-p

Thursday, May 30, 2013

And, now our next story.

Limington, Maine (WMTW)
   A missing man walked up on a news crew reporting on the man being missing.  Yup, 73 year old Robert McDonough walked up on the crew in front of his house as he was headed home.
Protect your residence,
Rodger :-p

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

So many questions, so little time.

Ottawa, Canada (Canadian Press)
   Apparently, the new Canadian plastic money smells like maple syrup.  Man, this going to cause some real confusion.
Protect your cur-rency,
Rodger :-p

Monday, May 27, 2013

I'm afraid I don't understand.

Amsterdam, Brussels, Cork (Ireland), published in the journal "Intelligence",
   In the West, IQ's have dropped 14.1 points from 1889 to 2007.  Researchers are not sure why.  (Wow, that explains a lot in most Middle Schools.)
Protect your ??????,
Rodger :-p

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wait! What????

Ypsilanti, Mich. (AP)
   Three local city council members have abstained from voting on a measure that would prevent members from abstaining on future votes.
Protect your vot-es,
Rodger ;-P

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

There's a sucker born every minute.

Brussels, Belgian (Reuters)
   A Chinese business man has paid $398,000 for a Belgian Racing pigeon!!!  (Man I got a grackle I'd like the dude to look at.)
Protect your fowl,
Rodger ;-P

Monday, May 20, 2013

Technology can be a bitch.

Springtown, TX (CBSDFW)
Homeowner calls FD about grass fire. FD puts out grass fire. FD uses heat sensors to check for hot spots. Heat sensor finds hot spot in homeowner's house. FD finds marijuana farm in basement.  BOOM!!!  Busted,
Protect your heat lamps,
Rodger ;-P

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A cell puts two in a cell.

Fresno, California (Fox News)
   One of two men breaking into car made a butt call to 911.  Dispatchers tracked the two would be thieves by their conversation.
(Probably should figure out a new way to carry the phone.)
Protect your cell,
Rodger ;-P

Friday, May 17, 2013

Now that's service.

Kennewick, Wash. (AP)
   Virginia Maiden was working the drive-thru at McDonalds when her stolen SUV pulled up.  Now that's karma.
Protect your fast food,
Rodger ;-P

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Yup, it's that Karma thing again.

Curtis, Mich. (Daily Press)
   A 44 year old females burglar gets stuck in get away car after interior door latches jam.  No problem, the police let her out of the car.  Boom!!!  Busted!!!!
Protect your latches,
Rodger ;-P

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Assault with a biological weapon????

Lowell, Mass. (Lowell Sun)
   Irene Cohen 44 was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.  Police say Irene threatened her neighbor with a dirty toilet plunger. What can I say?
Protect your health,
Rodger ;-P

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Yeah, probably should re-classify that prison.

Moscow, Russia (AFP)
   Prisoner breaks out of a maximum security using only a spoon.
So much for "maximum security" huh?
Protect your dinner ware,
Rodger ;-P

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Probably should get out of the City more.

Brooklyn, New York (New York Daily News),
   Police were called about an illegal pot farm on an apartment building roof.  Police had trouble figuring out that the resident was growing tomatoes and not marijuana.  Holy crap!!!  Can't tell a tomato from pot. Good grief!!
Protect your vege-tables,
Rodger ;-P  

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I thought African Bees were bad enough.

Houston, Texas (KPRC)
   Giant African snails are invading Houston.  These snail grow to about 8 inches long and lay hundreds of eggs.  No one is sure how the snails even got to Houston.  Ok, I'm thinking plane.
Protect your mollusk,
Rodger ;-P

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

No one is above the law.

Las Vegas, Nevada (AP)
   12 year old Jeremy Drew asked an illegally parked motorcycle cop for his badge number. The officer refused and told Jeremy he could park wherever he wanted to.  Jeremy videoed the whole thing.  The motorcycle cop is now famous.
No one is above the law,
Rodger B-P

Monday, May 6, 2013

And, Score One for Karma!!

Manatee, Fla. (The Smoking Gun)
   Don Castner was arrested for welfare fraud while wearing a "jail sucks" t-shirt.
Protect your logos,
Rodger ;-P

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Makes sense to me.

Seattle, Washington (AP)
   School closes for nice weather.  Makes sense to me.
Protect your nice days,
Rodger ;-P 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Probably should change the name of the store.

Derry, New Hampshire (WMUR)
   Richard Pavon was arrested for taking a grill from the Finders Keepers store.  Mr. Pavon wanted to know how could taking something from a store named Finders Keepers be shoplifting?  Dude's gotta point.
Protect your name,
Rodger  ;-P

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

And this position is open because why?

Oslo, Norway (AP)
   The province of Svalbard is advertising for a polar bear spotter.  The successful candidate must have a strong voice in order to shout warnings when a polar bear is spotted. The population of the Svalbard region has 2,400 humans and 3,000 polar bears.  Ok, what happened to the last spotter?
Protect your bear-s,
Rodger ;-P